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The One percent for Women campaign.

Real talk:

Since 2017 when Every Body is a Treasure Trust started we have been trying to answer one question, "How do you stop body shame and trauma from spreading to the next generation?"

On a global scale, we are seeing what happens when trauma is not processed and healed; at its worst, it can lead to genocidal behaviour; on the more family level, it can lead to family breakdown; on the individual level, it can lead to self-harm.   So how do we stop it?

We start by supporting the women in healing from their collective, inherited traumas and teaching them to teach their children to be emotionally fluent and compassionate.   We do this in the Finding Venus workshops and in our Embodied Creativity workshops and programs for rangatahi (younger generation, youth).   Our work is award winning but it is under threat.

Instead of focusing all of our time on our mahi (work), we are spending more than half of our time in an endless hamster wheel of grant applications, funding request and reporting.  Grants that are drying up around the country due to funding cuts.

We have two months of funding left, after which we will have to consider powering down the trust if we don't figure out a new way to fund our work. But we have a beautiful idea; to permanently step off the hamster wheel and focus on the things that matter, we just need your help.

I earn $30,000 a year

My 1% Donation would be$25 a month


My 1% Donation would be$25 a week

Remember, as a New Zealand taxpayer, you can claim up to 33% of your donations back from IRD!

Based on a monthly 1% Donation of $25 a month, you should be able to claim a tax credits of $20 per year from the IRD.

This means your actual monthly 1% Donation would only be $20 per month


Make a donation to the EverybodyIsATreasure Charitable Trust (Charity registration number CC56586)

Our idea is this.

Find our people.

  • People who have seen women they love battle body shame or children battle it and want to make sure that they are doing everything they can to stop it spreading to the next generation.
  • People who believe that holistic wellbeing education as opposed to just head focused education is fundamental to the health of the planet.
  • People who want to use 1% of their income to effect real award winning change in their communities.
  • If you are not in a position financially, thats all okay.
  • Share this page where you can and the Donation app has Social links too

If this sounds like you, would you be willing to join our "1% for Women Collective" and help join our grassroots effort to change the world for women and rangatahi (youth).

Our thank you for the 1%ers.

We often hear about the elite one-percenters...we are going to turn that on its head and reclaim that word.  Our 1% are not taking more than they give but are instead giving what they can to make the world a better place.

As a thank you we will be gifting those that join the "1% for Women Collective" a fine art print of the Finding Venus Poster signed by Mandi Lynn.

And you will be given a space in an 8 week pilot program called "Embodied Creativity" that covers the Embodied Creativity framework, which is the award-winning program we use with our youth programs.  One that helps people find out where they are blocked in their creative flow, or life,  and shares tools for helping to release those blocks.  This is the adult version of that workshop series, and the 1% for women donors will be given space on that course to benefit from it and help codesign it.

If you would like to help financially or be involved in some way with our cause and projects please Contact us