For the last year I have been living among 6-18 year old girls, shooting a documentary trying to answer one question...
What would be required to change for the next generation of girls to make it into adulthood with their Mojo intact?
Currently, the research shows
- Only 20% make it happy in their own skin.
- 80% start adulthood handicapped with less self-confidence then they were born to have.
- 1/3 of teenage girls have taken it so far as to self harm at least once.
What can we as the women who love these girls do to keep them safe, but not just safe...thriving! Reaching a level where they are fully able to realize the gifts that they were meant to bring to the planet with their birth. Our first short film documentary is currently in post -production and we are working on preproduction of a webseries called Girls Got Grit. We need your insight.
Could you offer 5 minutes of wisdom to the project?